Who can submit their work?
Any undergraduate student at UHWO may submit single-authored work for consideration.
When are submissions accepted?
We anticipate issuing a Call for Submissions around August 26th, 2024.
What kind of coursework can be submitted?
Currently, we have four categories of submissions: first-year writing, upper division research writing, creative writing, and capstones.
Where can I submit my work for consideration?
Go to “Submit” on our website. Submissions are free and no hard copies are required. Everything from submission to publication is accomplished online.
How do I submit my work?
Go to “Submit” on our website. A form for submissions outlines the process step by step. Questions should be directed to DPP editors at dppsubs@hawaii.edu.
Why should I do this?
Publication in print form or online makes your work available to a worldwide audience. Online publication is instantly available through numerous databases for researchers and agents. It is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Making your work readily accessible to an international audience can lead to numerous benefits; collaboration and consultation with other like-minded individuals, peer recognition, and enhanced recognition in academic circles.
What happens after I upload my submission?
We anticipate about four to six weeks for your work to be reviewed. Our decision will be sent to your listed contact on the submission form with one of three responses: accept, accept with revisions, or reject. Outright acceptance is rare but does happen. Rejection is always possible and can be a rewarding learning experience with publication processes.
Acceptance with revision will begin a collaboration between you and a student or faculty editor from DPP that will require timely revisions to accommodate our limitations before we can showcase your work in DPP. There will be time constraints along the way since our press deadlines are dependent on semester academic schedules. All parties involved will be working toward the common goal of publishing and sharing your work.